- a big bag full of plastic bags
- rotary cutter/scissors
- cutting mat
- sewing machine (or more patience than I have)
First, cut the bags as shown, removing the handles and the bottom, then cutting strips across the width of the bag so they make loops. You can make the strips whatever width you want. Mine were around 3" on these thin bags and about 1 1/2 on the thicker bags.
You do not have to cut all of your bags at the beginning. It does get tedious. I cut a big batch, then would take breaks when I ran out to do another batch.
Braid the three strips together as if braiding hair, leaving an inch or two at the end.
Pull the new strip through the loop of an original strip
Pull the second end of the new strip through the end which is sticking out of the original strip
Carefully pull tight. These strips of plastic are very fine and will easily rip if you apply too much pressure.
Repeat these steps for all three strips and continue to braid, adding on each time you reach the end.
If you staggered the lengths of the strips in the beginning, each knot will be in a different spot, avoiding a large bump in a single location.
Once you get into the rhythm you will find a way to keep the rope tight. Some people will tie the end to a chair or something, but this may not work well due to the length of the rope.
I began by stepping on the rope as I went, and when it got really long I just sat back on the couch and used my toes to feed the rope along! My fiancée thought this was hilarious.
When you feel like you have enough rope to make a rug, or you get bored with braiding, you can start to sew your rug. Of course you can do it by hand, but I chose to use my sewing machine.
Continue to wrap the rope around itself, being sure it is laying flat at all times, and sew it to itself with a zigzag stitch.
If the rug is not big enough, remove it from the sewing machine and keep adding more strips until it is!
When the rug is the size you want, and you have almost sewed to the end, wrap the loose ends under (on the same side the loose ends from the beginning are on) and sew straight across them with a straight stitch, to the edge of the rug. Then, back stitch over it again for strength.
You can cut off any remaining loose ends, and your rug is complete!
Remember, if the rug bunches up at first you can put it under something flat and heavy to flatten it out more.
Finally, submit your project for inspection! This project is Dinah inspected and approved.